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Katie Hornor on the TEDx stage holding a flamingo

Live Your Purpose Boldly

With all The Flair of a Pink Flamingo!

It's Time Your Business Served Your Life and Calling.


Welcome to the Flamingo Advantage!

Entrepreneurs often feel like THE ODD BIRD OUT, a little bit of a misfit, and a little bit misunderstood in our BUSINESS CALLING

Here we help you GROW YOUR BUSINESS so it supports your calling without compromising who you are, your FAITH, FAMILY, OR CORE VALUES because those are your unique Flamingo Advantage in the marketplace.

The MAGNIFICENT and QUIRKY Flamingo is BOLD enough to STAND OUT, is not afraid of predators, and each has their own UNIQUE VOICE. Wouldn't you love to have those qualities as an entrepreneur?

Check out Katie's recent TEDx Talk to learn the key to living your purpose boldly.

Get the Advantage of Doing Business with God

Get practical biblical wisdom with solid business and marketing strategy in a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs. You can live your purpose boldly and grow your business for God's glory – being in the right community is necessary to success.

Join the Community

Are you looking for a faith-based community because your secular network isn't working? We have created that for you: A safe place to be open about your faith and unique challenges in business and marketing.

Get the Book

Every entrepreneur is created unique and on purpose to make a difference in the marketplace. By embracing confidence you'll not only make more money, but be able to change your world. Get your FREE digital copy of Katie's book here:

Free Mindset Training

The best advantage is growing your revenue. Reset your thinking and practice with God's Word so you can grow your business, impact & income this year. Register for our FREE business reset class when you click on the button below.

Meet Katie Hornor


Follow Katie and her husband Tap on the journey from a broke and broken ministry family to BLESSING through a business that helps others be BOLD in their MARKETPLACE PURPOSE.

“Finally, a faith based book that changes my perspective on marketing.” – Forbes Riley

If you're feeling isolated, or looking for a FAITH-BASED network because the secular one isn't working – Katie has created that for you.

While flamingos are unique and stand out in their environment, they die in isolation, but THRIVE IN COMMUNITY and so do entrepreneurs. Join us in the Business with God Community!

“Katie helped me see that doing business FOR God was not the same as doing business WITH God. I am so grateful for the programs and retreats that speak deeply to the stuck places I am overcoming, even as I coach my own people through theirs. Highly recommended.”


“I have been to four of Katie's retreats now, and the trainings and community are wonderful. I leave each time with more direction, technical understanding, and a better focus on marketing the message God has given me to help Christians live victorious with their finances.” 


Katie helped me grow from hobby to business and begin to think and act like a business owner. As a member I've started a second website, bought another business and written my first book! Katie is my most valuable business growth tool. She is amazing!”


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“Life's too short to be ordinary.”

Katie Hornor