Becoming the Flamingo Lady
It all started in 1998 at a college in South Carolina…
and it's been the journey of a lifetime.
A move to Mexico,
5 kids and 7 kitchen remodels later,
Here's a bit of our happily ever after story…
( That's been made into a Business Docu-series! )

We moved from the USA to Sonora, Mexico for ministry work with an almost 2 yr old. Her sister arrived 2 months later, our flower in the desert. Our first son arrived the following year.
We moved back to the US and into the other side of Mexico to Campeche. Arriving on Thanksgiving day (and pregnant again), our second son was born 6 weeks later.
Through another hard ministry change, we lost most of our funding, but Mexico granted us residency and we started a Spanish homeschool curriculum business and got ready to publish our first book.

Our last child was born and the girls broke the tie. Our business took a big turn with our first registered trademark and a new mastermind program to coach English speakers how to grow their online businesses.
We bought a historic home in Mexico and began the process of restoring it. And along the way launched our first business podcast, For Your Success, as well as the book In Spite of Myself.
The big news this year was the family trip to see flamingos in the wild. That trip changed everything for us… Our business grew x5 and we published the Faith Like Flamingos book.

We travelled 8 months in the USA, speaking and hosting workshops, giving a TEDx Talk and making memories with our amazing teens. The Flamingo Advantage has become a best-seller, and our membership for entrepreneurs is growing. God is so good. For more of the story, watch the Docu-series at the link below:
So, What's with the Flower & the Flamingo?

When the book Faith Like Flamingos: The Christian Business Guide to Walking Out Your Faith in Bold Color became a best-seller in 2020, suddenly everyone began sending us flamingo photos and gifts. Every time a reader saw a flamingo they would think of Katie and her message of embacing your God-gifted uniqueness: your FLAMINGO ADVANTAGE®.
This continued to happen until we decided to embrace the flamingo and incorporate it into the brand. This decision was affirmed when in 2022 The Flamingo Advantage®: How to Leverage Unique, Stay Relevant and Change the World also became a best-seller, and the rest… is history.
The flower in her hair has also become a lovely piece of accidental branding, opening all kinds of doors and conversations for both business and ministry. But the flower is Katie's personal, physical, visual reminder of whose she is and that her Creator delights in the way He made her to love colors and parties, confetti and fun, as well as object lessons and all things unique.
One of her mottos is “Dress for a party everyday.” But it's much more than “just a hair piece.” It's her personal token of God's love. If you want the full story, check out THIS VIDEO.
Team Flamingo
One of our Core Values is Legacy, and it's a joy to see the legacy of business being passed down to our children, two of whom are now team members.