Katie Hornor's Books

Katie Hornor is an award-winning, 12-times best-selling, flamingo-inspired author of over 70 books.

Whether you know her for her Bible teaching, homeschool curriculum background or her powerful business strategies, you'll find something here that will give you fresh perspective.  

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2024 International Book Awards: The Flamingo Advantage by Katie Hornor

Winner: Religion, Christian Inspiration | Finalist: Business, Marketing and Advertising | Finalist: Best Book Cover, Nonfiction

"The Flamingo Advantage will change your life.This message is ground breaking."

brenda parmelee

- SmallerLivingHugeLife.com -

"We fulfill our calling by using the work gifts God has given us. Katie has given us the guide to change the world - as we are blessed to be a blessing."

dan Miller

- 48Days.com -

"Katie Hornor gives faith-based entrepreneurs the clarity and confidence they need to operate in their God-given marketplace assignment!"

matt tommey

- ThrivingChristianArtist.com -

Hi, I'm Katie Hornor. It's great to see you!

A trip up a river and an unforgettable encounter with flamingos in the wild sparked a lifelong mission to help entrepreneurs embrace their unique purpose and live it out boldly through businesses that are in service of their life and calling.

Realizing a dream

As a child, I dreamed of seeing my name in print. From when I became a published author for the first time in 2013, to now 73 books later - I've never looked back.

C.S. Lewis once said: "What we want is not more little books about Christianity, but more little books by Christians on other subjects - with their Christianity latent."

I count it an honor and a privilege to be impacting the lives and ministries of entrepreneurs doing work in the secular marketplace through my writing and speaking.
I enjoyed the combination of practical advice and Biblical business foundations... Whether you have an established business or are contemplating starting one, reading "The Flamingo Advantage" will give you an advantage.

mary boza crimmins

Katie is an exceptional teacher, firmly rooted in God's word. Flamingo Advantage is a must read for Christian women in business. Read it and keep it nearby for when you need encouragement or a truth check.


Katie jumps right in to the most troubling issue confronting those who have hearts of service and ministry - "How can I charge when I'm just doing my ministry?" She gently unpacks the distorted theology that traps people in poverty when the market is eager to invest in the tools to guide them toward more fulfilling, profitable lives. It's not an either/or choice but a both/and opportunity. I'm grateful for this timely book.

Dan miller

Great read. Where everything is the same color, flamingos are uniquely different. The key is identifying and capitalizing on these differences as opposed to beating ourselves up for being different. Highly recommended!

christopher loo

I was inspired by this book! Written from a Christian viewpoint, it is full of biblical wisdom centered around being exactly who God created you to be, and using that uniqueness to do the work you've been called to do. The thing that makes this more than a typical faith-oriented business book is that the author has been through a series devastating circumstances and yet has remained steadfast in their faith and created a new path for themselves. She shares what they've discovered and learned to encourage others to lean in and trust God. If you are a Christian looking for encouragement as an entrepreneur, pick up this book!

kimberly luker

The Flamingo Advantage is jammed packed with God's goodness on how to live out your Christian faith in ALL areas of your life and not being afraid to put Him in charge of your business. Wish I had read this 30 years ago!

christine dion

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